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Hailing Hellions: An Interview with Moxxy Sting

This interview is for "Hailing Hellions," a Q&A series where I interview sex workers (or ex-sex workers) who have modeled for me and my Sex Positivity* book project. Today's interview subject is Moxxy Sting! This is the SFW version; click here for the SFW-version interview compendium!

*The longer title being Sex Positivity versus Sex Coercion, or Gothic Communism: Liberating Sex Work under Capitalism through Iconoclastic Art (2023). Part of an overarching movement that connects sex positivity to what I call "Gothic (gay-anarcho) Communism," Sex Positivity essentially provides a hybrid; i.e., one established between academic (Gothic, queer, game and Marxist) theories, and wherein applied theory towards universal liberation is achieved by challenging Capitalist Realism (the inability to imagine a world beyond Capitalism) at a grassroots level. To it, Gothic Communism specifically occurs through direct mutual worker action and informed intersectional solidarity relayed through Gothic poetics: BDSM, monsters, and kink, but specifically what I call "ludo-Gothic BDSM." 

If you're curious about the book and want to know more, the first four volumes (and additional information) are available for free (the series is non-profit) on my website's 1-page promo (a copy-paste for said promo is available on this blog and provides the same information, except it features SFW images to account for Blogger's automated censorship). 

General CW: BDSM, Gothic content and theatrics (e.g., rape play and death theatre), as well as sex worker abuse and bigotry of various kinds (variable per interview)

Note: All images are of the model or myself unless otherwise stated.

About the series: Like the book series it attaches to, "Hailing Hellions" aims to educate and critique; i.e., by raising awareness towards sex worker rights, but also gender-non-conformity through Gothic counterculture. This extends to gender identity (e.g., trans, enby or intersex) but also orientation and performance; i.e., BDSM and sex positivity through various Gothic theatrical roles that invite things beyond vanilla, heteronormative (thus conservative, reactionary and harmful) sexuality. I would consider this to be things like mommy dommes and consent-non-consent, breeding fantasies and heavy metal (e.g., Satanic material and the Gothic at large). Also, these questions are broader insofar as they cover wide praxial/poetic ideas and concepts. Regarding these, the opinions of the subject and myself are not identical, but often overlap through us collaborating together to raise awareness.

About the interviewee: This interview is with Moxxy Sting. I don't know her super well at this stage, but we met through my book series and I've worked with her before. She's a single mother who supports her daughter through sex work (and wants to do music on YouTube). Politics-wise, Moxxy is a libertarian, which I don't agree with entirely. That being said, I don't entirely disagree with her, either. So I've decided to include Moxxy's answers in this series—doing so to demonstrate class solidarity despite a lack of ideological purity (e.g., we disagree on unions, with me being pro-union and she anti-union); i.e., through an odd pairing that, all the same, still leads to good praxis: here we are, communicating Moxxy's rights—as a sex worker tied to universal liberation and informed mutual labor action, achieved by a libertarian/classical liberal and Gothic an-com working together (a union in small, despite what Moxxy says about unions)! To it, workers radicalize through who we meet, work alongside and have sex with. Moxxy and I did all three, so use us as an idiosyncratic example of worker solidarity when pushing towards intersectional solidarity among you and yours!

Persephone: Hi, everyone! My name is Persephone van der Waard. I'm a trans-woman erotic artist, sex worker, writer/author and researcher who specializes in cross-media studies; i.e., I have my independent PhD in Gothic poetics and ludo-Gothic BDSM (focusing on partially on Metroidvania). 

Moxxy, could you introduce yourself and share a little about yourself with our audience?

Moxxy: What it do!? I'm Moxxy.

1. Persephone: This book project views sex positivity as a liberating act. What does sex positivity mean to you? Illustrating mutual consent; i.e., can porn illustrate mutual consent when sex workers are constantly dehumanized by the profit motive and the status quo?

Moxxy: I grew up surrounded by Christian oppression. I wasn't in one of those skirt-wearing long hair weirdo cults or anything. My parents were small town Texans. They went to church on Christmas. Baptist. I went to the most inbred ass tiny rural schools ever. Everyone was dumb as hell. It messed me up though because there was so much conflict between what I was taught and what I believe. The only thing my parents taught me about sex was "we don't want a lesbian daughter." Sexual positivity varies wildly from individual to individual. For me personally it was learning that I'm really awesome at sex, and tons of men fucking suck at it. When I learned how to tell a mother fucker no you want me to swallow that cum? Okay. First I'm gonna need you to suck blood clots out of my pussy on my period. It was being unafraid to voice what I wanted and to learn that I DESERVED BETTER! When this one dude told me that it was intimidating that I was experienced it BLEW MY MIND! I learned in that moment I wasn't broken for having learned what I know I had power. I was INTIMIDATING. I didn't have to be that young, naïve, afraid 18-year old who had no idea what she wanted or was getting into anymore. I could ask for WHAT I WANT even if I was getting paid for it.


2. Persephone: In your mind, what is the biggest struggle facing sex workers today?

Moxxy: Assumptions. So many men assume we make bank and it's really not that much money. I don't know how many times men have come in my cam room and said they don't want to give me money because this other girl took all of his and "that bitch was drivin' a Tesla." Entitlement from customers is INSANE. It took me forever to learn when to say no how to avoid scammers. I work on a cam site and CPS has been called on me for it I don't even know how many times. I'm constantly accused of being a terrible mother. The thing is I worked three jobs before this and my daughter was hurting herself and screaming and in a horrible spot because I couldn't see  her. This is the only freedom I have over my schedule, but I still have a scarlet letter. I think the presumptions and horridness of judgement in general and miscommunication that plagues all other work on is just magnified under sex work. Not to mention the site bans. Everyone hates us. There's almost no way to really get your work promoted without being shut down. The THINK OF THE CHILDREN! DON'T PREY ON MEN! arguments. Generally the assumption that we're wicked and evil for charging for services that are in demand. I think male ego about having to pay is the bottom line worst thing we have to deal with. Probably women who are pissed off we got their husbands money, too, tbh. So tl;dr: egos of weak people.


3. Persephone: How do you feel about sex work being work, thus paying sex workers for their labor? This can be unions, but also their representations in media at large.

Moxxy: I don't really agree with labor unions especially since this is an independently contracted business I don't want the government to be involved with how I run my show at all. If I were under a union and had a stipend amount that would piss me the fuck off. I don't think I've ever seen a positive representation of a sex worker, but this is a low paying amount of job and the work can be horrendous and go very south. I've met lots of great people and we have almost 0 protection and that is a problem but no one that I think will be solved with a union which I believe would only create more problems. I think competition can be generally a very positive thing but the problem is there's no way to compete because there's politic and networking issues with being a big name. There's almost no way to get yourself out there in such an oversaturated and unprotected market. On tv we're all: 1. evil sluts, 2. tragic sad broken little flowers, 3. the cool girl that's down for whatevs. When guys find out what I do they act like I'm just a sex doll that came to life and they're too horny to have a normal convo with me a lot of times. I think customers don't get it through their heads: Dude… I can go fuck anyone and a million people are spamming me, right now. So why should I waste my time here? I don't like it when people assume I'm not a person and have 0 identity outside of sex. I don't like it when people that are not my customers only talk to me when they're horny. I love sex. I love talking about sex but there are people with 0 respect for any boundaries at all because they just don't look at sex workers as normal every day plain old fucking people. I'd LOVE to discuss my services and provide them for you, however, I'm not a sounding board for everyone I meet to jack off to all day long I do not have the TIME.

4. Persephone: What are your thoughts on Communism vs Capitalism using Gothic poetics? Can monsters be gay Commies?

Moxxy: Both have their flaws. You can't create a utopia of people because people fucking suck. I don't know what Edgar Allen Poe has to do with either of those but I think communism will always fail because it's corruptible. If you give someone power they will use it for their own wants and needs and usually the people who crave that much power want evil. I think it's funny how similar capitalism and communism are under a microscope and I think all communists in America would be capitalists.


5a. Persephone: What drew you to the project/interested you in working on it together with me?

Moxxy: Honestly? You paid. But after we got to talking and I was offered a space to discuss my beliefs I was down. I usually am silenced and won't pass up an opportunity to sound off.  I LOVE people who disagree but still discuss without going off in a rage. I adore radical thought even though I think it's done a lot of harm. I think it's more important to have a passion and belief than it is to go along with the status quo and keep them to yourself. I love that you're giving sex workers the opportunity to discuss things like this and giving us a voice where we're usually silenced.


5b. Persephone: How has that experience been for you? Can you describe it a little?

Moxxy: I sure got worked on that picture set lmao. I've been loving these discussions and I'm a very hard worker and proud of what I do. When I do a job I do my best at it. Definitely in the top 5% of experiences I've had working with anyone!


6. Persephone: If you feel comfortable talking about it, can you talk about being GNC? What does that mean to you?

Moxxy: You'd be non-conformist, too, if you were just like me!


7. Persephone: What do you enjoy most about sex work? What got you started in it?


8. Persephone: Do you have a favorite piece of sex work that you've done, in terms of custom material?

Moxxy: This one guy wanted me to make a personal video where I came so hard I died, lol. He gave me a script to do wardrobe and I got to act and feel like I was in a production; it's my fav piece to this day. I really love the weird campy ones who like to PRETEND they're eating people; I HATE choking stuff or whatever. I'm generally a domme but when something is off-kilter and campy and fun and weird. I love those. I don't even think I'm getting off; I'm just a performer.


9. Persephone: Do you friends and family know about the work that you do? How do you talk about it with other people who aren't sex workers; i.e., how do you communicate sex worker rights to non sex workers?

Moxxy: Yeah. I tried to get my fam to sign up for site bonuses and kept telling them "NONONONO, it's not flowers-in-the-attic shit; I'm not online, you won't see anything" but they were scared to, lmao. My fam are dickheads for totally different reasons; i.e., they're not cool or anything but they don't care what I do with my life and if they did they could go fuck themselves. I'm pretty sure my baby daddy keeps calling CPS about it? I tell everyone starting out: YOU CAN SAY NO AND KEEP HIS FUCKING MONEY HE'S PAYING FOR YOUR TIME IF THE SERVICE FUCKED UP THAT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM.

10. Persephone: What are your thoughts on TERFs in sex work; i.e., those who devalue GNC minorities (and other marginalized groups) in the same profession?

Moxxy: I think everyone has their own niche market and the tastes are so wide and varied if they know where to find the right places they won't run into that a lot. I think if you're not at the top 1% you'll always be bottom-barrel and it sucks. I mean I'm working my ass off for pennies while there are girls that were born rich and get the amount of money I live on for a month for one nude. There's tons of gatekeeping and I've been at this for years trying to get my name out there and you're basically just silence and blocked if you're not already established.


11. Persephone: How do you feel about billionaires? Israel and Palestine?

Moxxy: I don't really know a lot about billionaires. I think taxation is theft and when you have money you should be entitled to it. What I will say though is I think they're fucking crazy. I don't think anyone can be in a circumstance where they have that much money and not let it go to their heads. I'm sure there are good and bad ones but they're all fucking nuts. I think more attention is going to picking a side than concern for the civilians who were born at the wrong place at the wrong time. I think America's gonna be Israel-vs-Palestine and the whole world if people don't start understanding there is no US vs THEM—hat we're ALL JUST FUCKING PEOPLE GETTING FUCKED BY THE 1% AT THE TOP. If you're a poor ass civilian, you're a number. I don't care what country you're from, it should be better everywhere but it's not. Yeah what Israel did was fucked up but the thing is it's a holy war and people are missing the bigger picture.

12b. Persephone: To that, GNC people often find their families outside of their birth families; did you have to go elsewhere for that, or is your family relatively understanding of your queerness?

Moxxy: No, honestly. When I was confused and looked for other places it was usually more of the same. I'm very opinionated. I have my own ideas about everything and groups of people who all adhere to one hive thought don't like that. I don't fucking like flags; I don't like stuff like how the LGBT makes my sexuality a polarizing and political issue. I'm kind of a lesbian (my sexuality as is everything with me complex and weird) and I don't want that to be any different from being a heterosexual. I don't want my sexuality to be a party issue, or a source of my angst. I HATE HOW IT'S OTHERED. I think that goes against the entire original point of integration. I think everyone is WAY MORE ALIKE than they like to think they are. My family just hates me for LOTS of reasons my sexuality is the tip of the iceberg but I'm a grown adult and I'm independent from everyone now, so what they think about it is what they think about it. They're just a group of people I had to live with until I graduated. My dad died right after I came out and he screamed and told me we were disgusting drug addicts but that doesn't shape my opinion as my father as a whole. I mean that fucked me up. How could it not? But that wasn't the entirety of who he was, and was a whole ass novel; i.e., in what created that thought process in and of itself.


14. Persephone: There's often a strong theatrical component to sex work and BDSM; i.e., costumes, gender roles, aesthetics of power and death, music, makeup. How do these things intersect for you, and do they cross over into real life for you? For example, do you find yourself wearing similar clothing and expressing yourself sex-positively when you're not on the clock?

Moxxy: Lol, I wear baggy ass ugly pajamas everywhere. I love being ugly in public. I hate all the attention in my day-to-day and I want to be in control of it and not bombarded. I'm not walking around like, "SEXSEXSEX!" I pay my bills, cut my grass, go get groceries. I'm just a plain normal person. I think if anything accepting that there's really nothing special or unique other than the gossip, and assumptions about it are kinda it: it's just a job. I'm more passionate about my writing and music and hope to get out of sex work one day so I can pursue my writing as a career but until then it's so important to me to have control over my schedule the sex is honestly an afterthought. I just don't care about it, I guess? I love sex, I don't care what I look like, at all, but it's just compartmentalized in my head.


15. Persephone: There's often an animal component to sexuality and gender expression, helping workers establish close bonds with each other and nature; i.e., furries, but also therians and various kinks; e.g., puppy play. How do you feel about these things, be they for work, pleasure, or both?

Moxxy: I have lots of customers who are into it and I provide those services. Again, it's just something I inherently understand; people are into it. I don't care. It doesn't offend me. I enjoy learning about various fetishes. I love performing. I tried a kitten costume for this one dude and it was more about making the cute outfit and acting and doing a job well for me. Mostly for me it's about researching it and being THE BEST. I am GOOD and extraordinarily competent at what I do and happy to indulge my customers and give them the best experience they possibly can have and everyone always gets addicted. I won't do gross stuff (e.g., burping and farting—I HATE that) and I won't do hard kink (e.g. watersports); i.e., I won't do plenty of stuff but when I LOVE role playing in general they're my favorite and easiest customers. I think they get kinda disappointed I'm not into their 24/7 fetish and that this is just a 9-5 from where I stand; but in that room when we're in our chats together my priority is being the best goddamned web model experience you're ever gonna get in your life and it shows and they always love it. I'm totally cool with furries. I think the loudest worst people get the most attention and ruin it for everyone.

16. Persephone: Sex workers are generally treated as monsters to harm and exploit under capital. Do you have a preferred way of expressing the humanity of sex workers, be that simply stating it or through the work that you do, art, or some combination, etc?

Moxxy: Hahahaha, I think I brought this up a bunch of times. I think people need to realize it was the first profession and it ain't going nowhere and they need to get tf over it.


17. Persephone: Do you have a particular aspect of liberation you like to focus on; e.g., fat liberation or decriminalizing sex work? To that, what's the difference between positive thinking and liberation in your eyes?

Moxxy: LIBERATING THE INDIVIDUAL! The individual is the most oppressed member of society. I think more people need to realize they don't have to join a group to be the smart one to have special beliefs; I think people make boxes for their identities. I don't think people belong in boxes. I think we're just digging holes for ourselves and making it worse when we make activist groups when everyone can stop making groups at all and just THINK FOR YOURSELF!


18a. Persephone: How do you feel about BDSM and using calculated risk to confront and heal from trauma? I.e., using collars or whips to experience pain or control as pleasurable, not harmful (I love collars, for instance).

Moxxy: I think everyone's trauma is theirs and extremely personal and that it should be explored however they want to.


18b. Persephone: Was there ever a moment where you were on the fence about BDSM or sex work/in the closet, but something happened that changed everything? I.e., was it gradual or more a singular event that motivated you to change; or, were you always kind of out (for me, I decided to change after several bad exes, but also watching Stranger Things, and relating to Max's brush with Vecna in a GNC way)?

Moxxy: I always thought it was Hellraiser shit. When I was 18 and started cam modeling people came to me with different requests and I just gradually learned what I would and wouldn't do. I was surprised at how much like vanilla sex most of it was. I think I've always been experimental and never needed an awakening or whatever bullshit because I've always been who I was. I think everyone's kinda BDSM and no one's really vanilla, they're just ignorant.

19. Persephone: Does expressing yourself in a dehumanized BDSM position (e.g., CNC or living latex, etc) or state of existence speak to your humanity as something to value?

Moxxy: I wanna be worshipped. I love dominating I have a very charismatic and bossy no nonsense personality. I'm extremely creative and get frustrated when I'm not in control. I don't really think you can dehumanize people because you're a human no matter what and I don't think you can allow anyone to take that from you. Like I get that abhorrent terrible things and false imprisonment and stuff can happen and those things are called "dehumanization"; but the first time I heard about someone doing that to a prisoner on a show when I was little I remember thinking: "No. If someone cuts all my hair off and makes me wear ugly clothes and I go to jail for a bullshit holocaust reason, I'm still going to be ME and exactly who I am and THE PEOPLE DOING THAT TO PEOPLE ARE THE DEHUMANIZED MONSTERS, NOT ME!" I think becoming violent and oppressing someone and being so insecure and scared and fucked up you have to do stuff to other people makes THEM dehumanized. Ergo, I feel like when my subs are reduced to states of pure id, they're the most human they could ever possibly be.


20. Persephone: What got you interested in BDSM? Do you have a preference in terms of what you give or receive?

Moxxy: I like to play with subs but IRL they gotta get on their knees and service how I tell em to.


21. Persephone: In your mind, is BDSM inherently sexual? If so or if not, can you explain why?

Moxxy: Yes and no. I think when you're in school and your teacher is your authority figure you're being dominated. I think when you answer to your boss and ask them permission to do stuff you're being dominated. Domination and submission aren't sexual but can be practiced sexually.


22. Persephone: Does BDSM inform the sex work that you do in an educational or therapeutic way?

Moxxy: Everyone's traumatized and I always end up hearing about it from clients they def treat me like a shrink and I let them talk their hearts out cause I feel like they needed it more than that nut, sometimes.


23. Persephone: In terms of calculated risk, how does it feel to surrender some degree of power in a scenario where you can't actually be harmed? Or vice versa, if you have more power? Do you have a preference and if so, why?

Moxxy: I love when my bitches let me slap 'em around!


24. Persephone: If you feel comfortable answering, can theatrical disempowerment feel healing or therapeutic to you in regards to real trauma?

Moxxy: Uhhh, I don't know—do you mean like reliving your trauma in safe scenarios? I've helped people do that. I'm happy to do it for them but in some cases I've given subs the task to start therapy too and found ones in their area for them specializing, lmao.

25. Persephone: What's the most stressful thing about sex work? The most liberating?

Moxxy: Telling customers they have to pay vs getting paid. Also the schedule thing—I can't reiterate that enough!


26. Persephone: What are the benefits to doing sex work in today's day an age versus in the past? What do you think needs to improve; e.g., open reactionary bigots versus moderate SWERFs posturing as feminists speaking for all groups?

Moxxy: CashApp and Lovense.


27a. Persephone: What are your favorite monsters (i.e., undead, demons, and or anthromorphs) and why?

Moxxy: I think any monster could be cool or suck; it all depends on how they're treated by the writers.


27b. Persephone: Media-wise, do you like to read, watch movies, and or play videogames just for fun, but also to gather ideas about gender-non-conformity expression, BDSM and other sex-positive devices?

Moxxy: I don't think I really think about it that much. I'm pretty selfish and I think of my own issues as opposed to ones of groups most often.


28. Persephone: What are your thoughts on sex/porn and art, business and pleasure? I like to mix them to form healthier boundaries established between workers; how do you feel about this?

Moxxy: I think you gotta be careful with blurred lines, but sex work is exactly like bartending in my experience; i.e., everyone thinks they're your best friend but you gotta look out for you.

29. Persephone: Per my arguments, Capitalism sexualizes and fetishizes all workers to serve profit, leading to genocide. Keeping that in mind, what is the best way to achieve intersectional solidarity using Gothic poetics?

Moxxy: What?


30. Persephone: Can you describe your own struggles with achieving liberation/humanization as a GNC sex worker?

Moxxy: For a long time I didn't understand my worth or value, but when I started to brand as a domme and told people "fuck you, pay me," it was a game changer.


31. Persephone: I view sex work as an important means of de facto (extracurricular) education; i.e., entertainment, but also a means of humanizing people within the practice at large. How do you feel about this? Can we learn from art and porn as a means of humanizing marginalized groups?

Moxxy: You can perform art and porn as anything. Those aren't exclusive. You can do whatever the fuck you want.


32. Persephone: I value establishing mutual trust, healthy communication and boundary formation/negotiation and respect, seeing them to be the most vital qualities in any relationship. Do you agree, and if so, why?

Moxxy: YES OMG YES 10000000000000000000000% TALK TALK TALK TALK! I hate when people expect me to read their minds! This is a sexual relationship and requires fucking communication! I can't just know! I'm hot, not telepathic.


34. Persephone: If you have a partner, do they know about the work that you do? How comfortable are they with it?

Moxxy: Fuck that. I've been married twice and I'm terrified to get involved with other people. I shut myself away and hide in a cave. I worked too hard to risk losing everything and having to rebuild my life again.


35. Persephone: How did you and your partner meet? What do you think makes an ideal partner?

Moxxy: Nope.

36. Persephone: What advice would you give incels, nice guys and other cis-het men (or token groups; e.g., TERFs and cis-queer tokens, etc) displaying bigoted attitudes towards women and other marginalized groups?

Moxxy: To go die.


37. Persephone: Likewise, what advice would you give to more privileged groups that need to understand the value of listening to those more oppressed than them in a larger struggle for liberation?

Moxxy: Lol, they don't listen.


39. Persephone: For those thinking about doing sex work for the first time, where is a good place to start with that; i.e., what advice would you give to those starting out based on your own experiences?

Moxxy: Don't take your clothes off and don't do anything—withhold and you can get away with charging more.


40a1. Persephone: What's your idea of the perfect date? The ideal fuck? Do you have an ideal experience of either you'd like to share?

Moxxy: Weed, alone, my vibrator.


40a2. Persephone: What's your wildest/most enjoyable sexual encounter (e.g., sex in public, in the kitchen while the roomies are home, etc)?

Moxxy: There was this gorgeous man who looked like a woman who I had sex with and we just went like animals and laid around naked and played all day long. We just clicked and communicated really well.

40b. Persephone: For you, what's the cutest thing a partner can do, in bed or out? For example, my partner Bay loves it when new partners come really fast/are having their first time PIV with Bay. Consent, intimacy and affection are all really sexy and fun for Bay. How about you?

Moxxy: I like when they look scared of me. Like when their lips part slightly and they hold their chest and they're like a mix of scared and turned on.


40c. Persephone: What are your thoughts on consensual voyeurism and exhibitionism as educational/entertaining acts? Does being able to be more open and communicative help us learn from each other to see each other as human and also what to watch out for/what to challenge at a systemic level?

Moxxy: It's always better to communicate.


43. Persephone: Connections between sex workers and clients is often discrete under capital. Can a degree of friendship and intimacy make for a better relationship between the two?

Moxxy: YES! All my best customers are my buds.


44. Persephone: For people struggling with gender expectations like being the right size or pleasing one's partner and enjoying oneself, is there anything you might recommend?

Moxxy: What helps everyone is completely different, person-to-person; i.e., learning to not give a fuck about anything is the most freeing thing in general.


45. Persephone: How does it feel being your true self, despite the risks of gay panic and similar moral panics in America and around the world?

Moxxy: To be like "lol, they're panicking" and not care.

47. Persephone: Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions, and also for working on Sex Positivity with me. If people want to follow you, where can they follow you and support what you do?

Moxxy: Diet Coke Head on YouTube!



Persephone van der Waard is the author of the multi-volume, non-profit book series, Sex Positivity—its art director, sole invigilator, illustrator and primary editor (the other co-writer/co-editor being Bay Ryan). Persephone has her independent PhD in Gothic poetics and ludo-Gothic BDSM (focusing on partially on Metroidvania), and is a MtF trans woman, anti-fascist, atheist/Satanist, poly/pan kinkster, erotic artist/pornographer and anarcho-Communist with two partners. Including multiple playmates/friends and collaborators, Persephone and her many muses work/play together on Sex Positivity and on her artwork at large as a sex-positive force. That being said, she still occasionally writes reviews, Gothic analyses, and interviews for fun on her old blog (and makes YouTube videos talking about politics). To learn more about Persephone's academic/activist work and larger portfolio, go to her About the Author page. To purchase illustrated or written material from Persephone (thus support the work she does), please refer to her commissions page for more information. Any money Persephone earns through commissions goes towards helping sex workers through the Sex Positivity project; i.e., by paying costs and funding shoots, therefore raising awareness. Likewise, Persephone accepts donations for the project, which you can send directly to her PayPal,  Ko-FiPatreon or CashApp. Every bit helps!
