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Showing posts from September, 2024

My Fourth Book (the Undead Module) Is Live!

A small announcement and a couple days late, but the fourth book in my Sex Positivity (2023) is live: the Undead Module! Check it out, here ! Blogger's being lame about censored images, so here's an image (not the censored covers) of my cover model,  Harmony Corrupted ! As for the module, it's a monster (so to speak) sub-volume. Over 1,000 pages and 800 unique images, it explores the poetic history of undead, covering zombies, vampires and ghosts in exhaustive detail; e.g., apocalypses, hauntings, castles and more! The module has taken four months to write, but is actually based on an older manuscript—a Humanities primer I wrote two years ago. Having since written my PhD and two other books, I returned to the primer and expanded on it big time! I'm very proud of this one! Book details: My name is Persephone van der Waard and I am currently writing and illustrating a non-profit book series on sex positivity and the Gothic. About the project: Made in collaboration with o...