"Medicine" is another piece of the module, "Brace for Impact" (2024), the book sample for my upcoming monster volume (rough ETA, mid-2024) and of which the opening section "Hugging the Alien" is already available on this blog.
Note: "Brace for Impact" is actually a full module that divides into over thirteen pieces (clocking in at ~85,000 words, ~209 pages, ~139 images, and sixteen new exhibits). "Hugging the Alien" is the first chapter; "Time," the second; "Teaching" (the opening), the third; "Medicine," the fourth; "Facing Death," the sixth. The others are actually too erotic to feature uncensored on Blogger, so I will be posting them on my (18+) website, instead. Click here to see the promo post for the entire sample module and links to all thirteen+ pieces.
Abstract: "Medicine" focuses on pacing ourselves medically when seeking knowledge as a limited category through the infinite, dialectical-material gradient of Gothic poetics; i.e., as a sphere of discourse that overlaps the medieval and the medical when employing (and enjoying) the dialectic of the alien as something to hug and fuck.
About my book: My name is Persephone van der Waard and I am currently writing and illustrating a non-profit book series on sex positivity and the Gothic. Made in collaboration with other sex workers, the project is a four-volume set called Sex Positivity versus Sex Coercion, or Gothic Communism: Liberating Sex Workers under Capitalism through Iconoclastic Art. As of 2/14/2024, my thesis volume and manifesto volume are available online (the other volumes shall release over the remainder of 2024). To access my live volumes, simply go to my website's 1-page promo and pick up your own copies for free. While you're there, you can also learn about the yet-unreleased volumes, project history and logo design/promo posters!
Prep, part two: Medicinal Themes and Advice; or,
"Doctor's Orders": Prep for Surgery and Aftercare
"I don't believe that young man's ever been to medical school!"
—Buzz Lightyear, Toy Story (1995)
This is a medical disclaimer less in earnest and more in partial jest; i.e., a reflection on the medieval/Gothic as combining medicine, torture and sex to reflect on the poetic flavor of my current volume—just eight pages, but a fun way to reflect on things and think about them differently. That being said, I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice; it's just food for thought given by a medievalist who's loved medicine ever since she was a kid.
Scrub in, interns!
Your Commie Mommy,
I'm applying all of this to the creative process as give and take, and as Paracelsus put it: "All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison." Condensed to "the dose makes the poison," and pursuant to the Communist Numinous as a "dragon" to chase, the clash with capital is why we're here: sparring with authorities by evoking authoritative forces; e.g., the Numinous. Capital defends capital as thieves versus whistleblowers, the former killing and/or blackmailing the latter or otherwise discrediting them: dispatching assassins, forcing elicit confessions, turning brother against brother or de(s)posing of them in court with limitless funds, bulletproof contracts, Radcliffean surveillance and bottomless pockets, etc. Exposing that bloodbath/carving of meat is why we're here. But as gluttons for punishment with impressive stamina—and ones addicted to the birthing of empathy at birth by accident thereof—we still need to pop them out "in moderation"; e.g., babies, books ("babies"), boners and loads; i.e., some strain is important, but don't damage the oracle, mid-séance (the Gothic goofball making you laugh until you're sick).
Per the Gothic, these manifest in reality and fiction on different levels. As such, grief and love (as things to express) bleed into sex and violence as a composite morphological statement. Metal or flesh fatigue can and will set in, especially when we take on the struggles for others routinely ignored by the mainstream (who only sit up and listen when people exactly like them [or who they tokenize; e.g., Jewish people aping their colonizers[1]] are affected; i.e., "think of the white, cis-het men!" This is a valid concern, but "missing while girl syndrome" or "think of the incels" [courtesy of Jordan Peterson] gets hella old when the Kurds or the Palestinians [or anyone in the Global South] is experiencing genocide. You can care about both, but only speaking out about Whitey is complacent, thus complicit in genocide. This isn't the early 1800s and you're not Jane Austen writing Mansfield Park [1814]; it's the Internet Age, wherein the people who devote the entirety of their platforms to the colonizer group are aiding in settler colonialism).
So do what you love while helping others. But also, be careful—cautious, as well as solicitous and nurturing to all parties involved. Yes, we and our "good work" (slutty but salubrious) bare it all to not just walk the line like the rockstars[2] that we are, but slink and strut our stuff between pleasure and pain, stress and release, life and death (a vibrating closeness to penetration within thresholds—what feels good for all parties, ace or not); but, "first do no harm." Sex and death are funny in jest (so-called "gallows humor" is a whole 'nother can of worms[3]); sex, drugs and rock 'n roll can do the trick in moderation (do not do "a Jimmy Hendrix or Janis Joplin," members of the ill-fated "27 Club"); but dropping needlessly dead due to gross negligence (willful or otherwise) from one's attending physician? Whatever the practice, it kind of defeats the point. Though we often play at them, we're not gods. So don't skip your checkups, however routine! Check in with yourself and see where you're at; take your vitals and remember to rest and relax. Unwind to the degree that you can (not everyone can and that's valid; but if it is possible and you don't do it anyways? That's a horse of another color).
Traditional Western gender roles generally portray healing roles (sexual or otherwise) as "maternal." Except, mothers need days off and this holiday is frequently a psychosexual, monstrous one (moonlighting as an Amazonian protector/vigilante detective). In the alien-fetishized language of prisons, torture dungeons and hospitals (a fine line between them), "'mommy' has needs" that address unseen woes/scratch various itches. Sometimes, though, someone needs to play nurse with themselves, a "battle medic"/Amazonian mommy dom in the place of God who nurtures, feeds and fucks depending ("'Mother' is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children." If you think otherwise, you've never gotten between a loving mother and their child): food, sex, medicine, enrichment (games, puzzles) and sleep, etc. Someone who cares, who's "a handful," feisty. Husky and growling. Secretarial and sweet. Lucky and healthy. Ample and tasty (delicious, full of "gravy"). Holy and hot (thick thighs, zettai ryōiki[4], big buttocks, hair and tits, etc). That female/monstrous-feminine portrait of "The Miller's Tale" is us, cuties, so measure up to your own needs by looking after yourself as you actually deserve/want to be treated—well.
This wellness plan includes intake of various sorts: meal plans, work-life balance, ergonomics. You can't help others without helping yourself. So give thanks without literally carving yourself up when trauma comes home to roost (in terms of healthcare, the ghosts of past friends or family members classically manifest as complexes; i.e., survival guilt; e.g., I was harmed, and wrote this book to help others see the ghosts of trauma inside it and their own lives).
To that, do what you need to "right the ship," release stress (eat, gamble, laugh, fuck [aka "sexersize"]…) to the speed, music (whatever slaps), texture and sensitivity (leather or lace), intensity and depth you require. Then, after you "bounce back," go where you need to be in order to help those you can. We all wanna put these ideas to practice—to fuck-start Capitalism's face to bare better, new-and-improved fruit; i.e., strap-on-style; e.g., like Eowyn vs the Witch-king[5] if the sword was strapped to our Shieldmaiden's crotch and she "chose her slain" by shoving it into the shadow lord's mouth and down his unhappy throat, Better-Call-Saul-pilot-style ("Put your wang in its throat hole!")—the death knight/Skeleton King "taken" by the lacey female paladin (aping Monty Python's Sir Lancelot: "'An accident?' You shoved your sword through his head!"):
Except, instead of rapacious, rotting scapegoats[6] to skewer like throwaway straw dogs, our Dark-Ages approach to wedding sex and force wants (needs) to abstract the post-capitalist metaphor and take it to an ever further (albeit non-jousting) extreme; e.g., with Frodo and Sauron (from The Return of the King, 1955):
This concludes "Teaching"; onto "Facing Death" (when it posts)! After that, check out my website for the uncensored samples! To that, the follow up section, "The Medieval," can be found on there!
[1] Tatiana Seigel's "Over 1,000 Jewish Creatives and Professionals Have Now Denounced Jonathan Glazer's Zone of Interest Oscars Speech in Open Letter" (2024) quotes the letter as saying,
The use of words like "occupation" to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years, and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history. It gives credence to the modern blood libel that fuels a growing anti-Jewish hatred around the world, in the United States, and in Hollywood (source).
It's literally the American Hollywood elite posturing as besieged for a fellow Jewish person speaking out against a settler colony and the best they can do is equate critique of an Israeli enthostate to "blood libel"? Big yikes. They can't admit they were wrong without giving the game away so they close ranks and die on that hill. It's not like the conflict affects them in any meaningful way.
As for Zaritskaya, I can't really fault her for sticking to the golden oldies, crooning about desire ("love" as a product). Yes, it's all rather safe and trite, but she's still giving something back through looks and performance: one, she's drop-dead gorgeous, bar zone; two, her makeup is on point; three, her outfits are absolutely sick; and four, she's a fabulous rock singer (that husky allure with just the right twinge of Benatar-snarl hits just right). What more could you ask for as far as doing her job goes? Furthermore, in a world that treats women like sex objects, Zaritskaya owns it with style—a total package that, in these dark times, absolutely makes a difference. She's a muse who—provided she doesn't endorse genocide or "pull a Judas Priest" and release an album with Zionist overtones (re: "Invincible Shield and Zionism")—should be free to rock out and break hearts till the cows come home. "YouTube's finest," indeed (source: Rock the Joint)!
In other words, our group coping mechanism needs to expose and address systemic issues, not contribute to them as dependent on/addicted to military optimism; i.e., incumbent on the rape of nature by design, martyrdom of the male stooge in love with war culture and spilling blood. Again, it's a can of worms that, left unchecked, will eventually spill over everywhere, bathing the world (and the idyllic, resort-like home) in a reversal of Exodus, an ignominious closing of the Red Sea to drown exile and conqueror alike; to avoid internal bleeding and total exsanguination ("bleeding out"), our folie-a-deux' chez folie needs to exist in quotes, our blossoming "agony" and ribbons of explosive, fiery pleasure leaning in a less bloodthirsty (and unironically alienating and fetishizing) direction, regarding the monstrous-feminine (from a metal/NWOBHM standpoint, less Saxon's heteronormative Demin and Leather, 1981, and more Accept's queer-coded Balls to the Wall/"London Leather Boys," 1983): it's not a vampirism state fangs can ever hope to match. "Hurt, not harm" when experimenting and broadening your horizons, cuties! Fuck to metal, but remember to worship Satan responsibly!
[4] A Japanese phrase that translates to "absolute territory." Per Wikipedia, it "refers to the area of bare skin in the gap between overknee socks and a skirt or shorts" (source). In short, it's uniform fetish slang that focuses on fixation by Japan as being eco-fascist and psychologically incestuous. We'll explore eco-fascism and incest in Japan in Volume Three, but here's the source; i.e., Terry McCarthy writes in "Out of Japan: Mother Love Puts a Nation in the Pouch" (1993):
Satoru Saito, head of the sociopathology department at the Psychiatric Research Institute of Tokyo, doubts that mother-son incest is any more common in Japan than elsewhere. But, he says, "emotional incest" between mothers and their sons is almost a defining feature of Japanese society – "the entire culture has this undertone" (source).
[6] (From Volume Zero): 'Basically, Blue Beard from Charles Perrault's "Blue Beard" (1697), the demon lover holding the delicate female swooner captive and relayed through fairytales or operas (and various other Gothic stories; e.g., the "black novel" or "noir/black detective story" as peering into the imaginary site of the black space/shadow zone as routinely fabricated by the ghost of the counterfeit, feeding the profit motive). Facing such a sexy beast, a less bellicose heroine might swoon and face almost certain doom; an Amazon, on the other hand, might pick up a sword and stab the fucker—a proposition that can certainly be cathartic but needs to be exercised with care to avoid harmful xenophobia as something to execute on- and offstage as informed by these kinds of stories; i.e., TERFs attacking trans people when their own trauma is weaponized by the status quo, turning them into harmful imitations of Dacre's woman-in-black, Victoria de Loredani; e.g., Ellen Ripley—formerly traumatized by the myth of the black male/crossdressing rapist—is handed a gun by James Cameron and told to play cowboys and Indians in service of the state: "Become vengeance"' (source).
Persephone van der Waard is the author of the multi-volume, non-profit book series, Sex Positivity—its art director, sole invigilator, illustrator and primary editor (the other co-writer/co-editor being Bay Ryan). Persephone has her independent PhD in Gothic poetics and ludo-Gothic BDSM (focusing on partially on Metroidvania), and is a MtF trans woman, anti-fascist, atheist/Satanist, poly/pan kinkster, erotic artist/pornographer and anarcho-Communist with two partners. Including multiple playmates/friends and collaborators, Persephone and her many muses work/play together on Sex Positivity and on her artwork at large as a sex-positive force. That being said, she still occasionally writes reviews, Gothic analyses, and interviews for fun on her old blog (and makes YouTube videos talking about politics). To learn more about Persephone's academic/activist work and larger portfolio, go to her About the Author page. To purchase illustrated or written material from Persephone (thus support the work she does), please refer to her commissions page for more information. Any money Persephone earns through commissions goes towards helping sex workers through the Sex Positivity project; i.e., by paying costs and funding shoots, therefore raising awareness. Likewise, Persephone accepts donations for the project, which you can send directly to her PayPal, Ko-Fi, Patreon or CashApp. Every bit helps!
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