For those of you who don't know, I'm trans and came out on July 22nd, 2022. More more recently, I was able to get health insurance, and today marks my first day of gender-affirming care! A lot of it has been research and figuring out what works for me and what I have in mind as far as my HRT journey is concerned. Luckily I am blessed with a bevvy of wonderful GNC friends, all who know (or know someone who knows) a great deal more about these things than I do. So while it's been a bit of a learning experience, it's also been one assisted by teachers invested in a shared happiness; i.e., in helping a like-minded person find peace on her own journey towards self-fulfillment and -definition. For me, that means "titty skittles" (as my partner called them, haha); gonna start slow and introduce blockers after a few months, once I mark my progress: Anyways, I'm posting about this to mark the event and celebrate it. In the meantime, I'm also continuing to work...
The horror blog about metal, videogames, and sex.