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Showing posts from August, 2023

My Logo for Gothic (gay-anarcho) Communism!

With the release date to my upcoming book,  Sex Positivity vs Sex Coercion, or Gothic Communism , drawing near (on Halloween!), I decided that I should finally design my own logo for Gothic (gay-Anarcho) Communism. Included in this post is the logo itself (and the always-awesome Blxxd Bunny ), as well as a brief history of its recent inception and cannibalized source materials: Update, 3/5/2025: My book series is entirely out except for the final volume, Volume Three (which I plan to release by June). Apart from the one-page promo for the book series, I have several other pages for paratextual material about the series:  Click here to access the project's most vital Gothic paratextual documents ; e.g., its main Gothic keywords, but also theories and central tenets, which aren't contained in this glossary. Click here to access the non-Gothic paratextual key terms , as well as information about the series’ intended audience and reading order. Update, 11/5/2023: My book ha...