Recently, I saw the Alien 40th Anniversary short, "Harvest," directed by Ben Howdeshell, and "Alone," directed by Noah Miller. I made a response video . In this post, I wanted to explain why the authors' works are so enjoyable for reasons that go beyond the scope of my original response. Note: Watch "Alone" first, here ; then "Harvest," here . In my video, I'd watched all of "Alone" before deciding to "react" to "Harvest," on camera. I then took some time comparing the two. To a certain point, comparison is foreseeable; they share the same universe, the same palimpsest (or so it would seem). In truth, there's more to emulate than Alien —or rather, more to emulate than a singular take on Alien 's sinister worldview. Scott's latter-day prequels imperfectly replicate an old proposition; so do "Alone" and "Harvest." There's much to recognize, but new directions to ...
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