I grew up watching the original Universal Soldier. I bought it in a bookstore, as a DVD, for $10, I think. I remember watching it and liking it. It wasn't the greatest movie I'd ever seen, and my impressions were ultimately uneven, but the experience was overall, relatively positive—especially when you consider that I also bought Cyborg, another Jean-Claude Van Damme film, and found myself thoroughly regretting my purchase; that film was flat-out bad. Just terrible. It is unfortunate that a guy like Van Damme clearly has the skill, but often winds up in films that don't showcase his abilities at all. Cyborg didn't, was a post-apocalyptic film that felt closer to Roller Blade than The Road Warrior. There's of course a main baddie who dislikes Van Damme for no apparent reason and the two men eventually meet in an inevitable, final battle, fighting half-naked. I don't have an issue with this—Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris did it just fine on a cheap sound stage in the...
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