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Hailing Hellions: An Interview with Moxxy Sting

This interview is for "Hailing Hellions," a Q&A series where I interview sex workers (or ex-sex workers) who have modeled for me and my  Sex Positivity*  book project. Today's interview subject is Moxxy Sting ! *The longer title being  Sex Positivity versus Sex Coercion, or Gothic Communism: Liberating Sex Work under Capitalism through Iconoclastic Art  (2023). Part of an overarching movement that connects sex positivity to what I call "Gothic (gay-anarcho) Communism,"  Sex Positivity  essentially provides a hybrid; i.e., one established between academic (Gothic, queer, game and Marxist) theories, and wherein  applied  theory towards  universal  liberation is achieved by challenging Capitalist Realism (the inability to imagine a world beyond Capitalism) at a grassroots level. To it, Gothic Communism specifically occurs through direct mutual worker action and informed intersectional solidarity relayed through Gothic poetics: BDSM, mon...
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My Book: Gothic Communism (series promo)

This is a copy of my website's one-page promo; i.e., for my 2023 book series, Sex Positivity versus Sex Coercion, or Gothic Communism . It's essentially a copy-and-paste of the original and contains the same basic information (as of 3/24/2025), but contains placeholder images for the book covers/model images; i.e., Blogger/Google are censoring the blogposts on here for "sexual/adult content." Basically anything that goes beyond the tamest of bikini images, their AI flags arbitrarily and puts the post behind a barrier (forcing users to log in if they want to view the post and its contents). There's nothing I can do about that but use placeholder images for most of the images normally on this page. If you want to access the original NSFW images, simply go to my website's (18+) original one-page promo for the series . It's not a commercial porn site ; it's meant for education and critique, namely about sex worker rights pushing for universal liberation...